Monday, May 20, 2013

{Re-Styling} What's On My Coffee Table

Do you guys constantly move things in your home around?  I do.  I'm constantly re-styling my house by moving things I have around.  Because when my eyes have seen the same thing over and over for a while, it's like my brain doesn't even notice it's there anymore.  So the pretty vingette I created last just looks 'blah' to me a few weeks later.  Not only does re-styling give a new look that feels fresh on the eyes, but it gives me the opportunity to enjoy things that I've become accustom to overlooking, and it also gets me to dust when I'd otherwise put it off.  When the goal is re-styling instead of cleaning, its much more fun, right?!

So I thought I'd share my coffee table with you today. Especially being that I just read the Nester's post on creating vignettes.

I got this vase from my mom for Christmas and misplaced it for a while. So glad I found it! I just love the earthy colors, classic shape, and movement in it!

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